Resisting the Reign of
On October 30, I was one of nine people arrested at Beale
Air Force Base for trespassing onto federal property in protest of the drones
that are stationed there. I'll write
more about this later, but for today I want to make clear how this particular
action fits in with other actions I've taken and my life overall.
I have a long history of writing, speaking, and acting for
peace, justice, and the environment. Most
recently, I have specifically focused on foreclosures, climate change, and the
drone program. What ties all these
issues together? I see them as various
expressions of a global system that is working at cross-purposes with
I see my life work as preaching the gospel of peace,
justice, and earth-healing in the midst of
a corporate-dominated global system that is idolatrous and violent to
the core. My book, Shaking the Gates of Hell:
Faith-Led Resistance to Corporate Globalization (,
proposes a way to respond to the growing power of corporations and their
domination of the worlds' cultures, governments, and global institutions. Part I, "The Gates of Hell: Undoing Creation," outlines the various
global challenges we face today as a species, and makes the case that if we
don't turn things around we face a living hell on earth of pollution, global
warming, runaway technologies, poverty, inequity, violence, terror, and war.
The term "Undoing Creation" comes from theologian
William Stringfellow: "Violence
describes all of the multifarious, inverted, broken, distorted and ruptured
relationships characteristic of the present history of this world. Violence is the undoing of Creation...
Violence is the reign of death in this world..."
The gates of Beale, home to the global hawk drones, symbolize the gates to a hellish
future. For me, our nonviolent action
there was a statement of hope for a transformed world. Saying "no" to the Reign of Death is
a way of saying "yes" to life.
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